The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor T.D., has acknowledged the result of the UK referendum on EU membership.
“The Irish Government respects the decision that has been made by the people of the United Kingdom in the referendum”, Minister Mitchell O’Connor said. “It is important to note, however, that although the decision is to leave the EU, this decision will not take effect for some time. As of now the UK is still an EU member, so our businesses can continue to trade with the UK on the same terms as before, and our citizens can continue to move freely on the island of Ireland, and to and from the UK. The precise implications of today’s result will now depend on the period of negotiation ahead, involving the UK and our EU partners. The Government has undertaken careful planning in recent months for the contingency of this result, and we will now take this work forward to ensure that we respond appropriately, and that Ireland’s interests are represented fully in the negotiating process.”
Minister Mitchell O’Connor continued “It is very important to emphasise that Ireland will continue to be an EU member, with full access to the single market and retaining all of our advantages for inward investment. We are committed to working within the EU to achieve the jobs and growth that are vital to deepening and broadening our economic recovery.”
“While there is a lack of clarity as to how the negotiation process will proceed, I will be working to ensure that there is certainty as early as possible on the terms of future trading relationships, including the extent of access by the UK to the EU’s single market. I have already held a meeting with Enterprise Ireland and IDA this morning to discuss our contingency plans and I will be in constant contact with them during the days and weeks to come. I, together with the enterprise agencies under my remit, will also be working to ensure that businesses, investors and potential investors in Ireland are fully informed of Ireland’s continued commitment to the EU, and of developments as they unfold. I have asked for a revised extended schedule of Trade Missions from IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland and I will be meeting both organisations again early next week.
Enterprise Ireland and IDA are going to be in close contact with their clients on the challenges and opportunities that this vote presents. ”
Last Updated: November 27, 2018 by Mary Mitchell O'Connor
Statement on UK vote to leave the European Union
“The Irish Government respects the decision that has been made by the people of the United Kingdom in the referendum”, Minister Mitchell O’Connor said. “It is important to note, however, that although the decision is to leave the EU, this decision will not take effect for some time. As of now the UK is still an EU member, so our businesses can continue to trade with the UK on the same terms as before, and our citizens can continue to move freely on the island of Ireland, and to and from the UK. The precise implications of today’s result will now depend on the period of negotiation ahead, involving the UK and our EU partners. The Government has undertaken careful planning in recent months for the contingency of this result, and we will now take this work forward to ensure that we respond appropriately, and that Ireland’s interests are represented fully in the negotiating process.”
Minister Mitchell O’Connor continued “It is very important to emphasise that Ireland will continue to be an EU member, with full access to the single market and retaining all of our advantages for inward investment. We are committed to working within the EU to achieve the jobs and growth that are vital to deepening and broadening our economic recovery.”
“While there is a lack of clarity as to how the negotiation process will proceed, I will be working to ensure that there is certainty as early as possible on the terms of future trading relationships, including the extent of access by the UK to the EU’s single market. I have already held a meeting with Enterprise Ireland and IDA this morning to discuss our contingency plans and I will be in constant contact with them during the days and weeks to come. I, together with the enterprise agencies under my remit, will also be working to ensure that businesses, investors and potential investors in Ireland are fully informed of Ireland’s continued commitment to the EU, and of developments as they unfold. I have asked for a revised extended schedule of Trade Missions from IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland and I will be meeting both organisations again early next week.
Enterprise Ireland and IDA are going to be in close contact with their clients on the challenges and opportunities that this vote presents. ”
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